Happy Presidents’ Day!

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We celebrate Presidents’ Day in the U.S. on the third February of each year to honor George Washington, born on February 22, 1732, and Abraham Lincoln, born on February 12, 1809. It is also commonly recognized as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents. For many years, it was celebrated on February 22, until 1968, when the date of Presidents’ Day was changed to align more federal holidays with Mondays to create more three-day weekends to adhere to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act that took effect in 1971. The reasoning for the federal act reads, “This will mean a great deal to our families and our children. It will enable families who live some distance apart to spend more time together. Americans will be able to travel farther and see more of this beautiful land of ours.” Perfect for those amazing road trips across this great land that we plan in conjunction with our Memorial Day and Veterans Day holidays.